Rebecca Nesbit

Tickets for the Ark is available from Amazon or the book seller of your choice!

Tickets for the Ark answers a question that nagged me for decades: what’s the point of conservation? After years of research, I finally felt comfortable to address key dilemmas: What should we save? And at what cost? I hope the book will allow readers to do the same – we all have a stake in the future of the natural world, so should all be empowered to join discussions about what it should look like.

I give regular talks and workshops – please get in touch if you would like me to speak at an event or join your book group (in person or online).

My first popular science book, Is that Fish in your Tomato?, explores the benefits and the risks of genetically modified foods. In my spare time I enjoy sailing, walking, orienteering and art. My background is ecology, and I studied butterfly migration for my PhD.

Thank you for visiting my website, and please get in touch if you have any suggestions or have ideas of ways to work together. Please follow me on Twitter @RebeccaNesbit or connect on LinkedIn.